Farewell-sushi at Naschmarkt
Don’t feel like Wiener Schnitzel? Try sushi! Judging from the amount of sushi restaurants in town, it’s the second favorite dish of the Viennese. One of my favorite sushi-places is Kojiro, located right next to the ‘gemütliche’ Naschmarkt.
I like small places. They’re so cozy and for whatever reason their littleness is always an indication of good food. On my last day in Vienna it was a bit too crowded in Kojiro though, so me and my friend Petra decided to have lunch at the famous Naschmarkt. Despite of the tourists, it’s really a pleasant market where a lot of Viennese go for a beer or eat whatever dish they feel like. At Tewa, for example, you can have a good organic lunch for less than ten euro, wine included. But we felt like farewell-sushi today.
Kojiro, Rechte Wienzeile 9 (4th district, Wieden)
Naschmarkt (6th district, Mariahilf)
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